Reiki Training and Healing during difficult times.

Reiki I and II Education online.
Become a Reiki Practitioner and improve the World.

The coronavirus pandemic has posed serious problems for many people all over the world. A growing number of people are left with a complex set of problems. In this challenging time, Reiki can give real support and help people in many ways. It may add strength and give hope to the people in need. 

Holy Fire® Reiki energy is improved healing energy that allows teachers to conduct Reiki classes online. In addition, this new rendition of Holy Fire® Reiki is also a more powerful and effective healing energy. These two qualities make it a wonderful gift for dealing with the coronavirus pandemic and the challenges it has created.

I am giving Online Reiki I and II classes on March 7 and 14
If you or someone you know may be interested,
please contact me at

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