Yoga Helps Fight Addiction

How Does Yoga Help People Overcome Addiction?

An increasing number of studies suggest that mindfulness activities, such as yoga, can help people overcome addiction when complemented by traditional treatment. Meditation’s effect on the neurotransmitter GABA in the brain may be a reason why.

“Yoga raises the levels of GABA, which has shown to reduce stress and anxiety,” said Topfer.

A 2014 study published in the journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine examined the effect of yoga alongside rehab in treating alcohol dependence. In the trial, 18 people battling alcohol dependence in Sweden received traditional treatment or traditional treatment plus yoga. The results showed that the greatest reduction in drinking occurred among the group that incorporated yoga into treatment.

Yoga may help people addicted to heroin, a drug involved in about 15,500 U.S. deaths in 2016. A study published in the journal Nursing Research indicated that yoga can significantly improve the mood and quality of life in female heroin users undergoing drug detoxication. Researchers concluded that the activity can be used alongside traditional care to treat heroin dependence.

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